Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Auto Generate Database(ER) Diagram MySql

To create ER diagram from db schema you can use SchemaSpy.

Here are few steps:
1. Download SchemaSpy

2. Install folwing:
- Java
- JDBC MySQL Connector
- Graphviz (and dot program, which is part of GraphViz)

3.Execute command in console
C:\test>java -jar schemaSpy_5.0.0.jar -t mysql -o folderWhereCreate -host dbHost -db dbName -u dbUser -p dbPassword -dp mysql-connector-java-3.1.13-bin.jar
ps: You can download all in one archive

Automate the generation of your developer and user documentation


  1. Salut,

    După cum ştii în curînd are loc cea mai mare conferinţă ICT din Moldova. Moldova ICT Summit 2011. Organizatorii au decis să ofere acces liber la toate conferinţele pentru 5 bloggeri. Pentru a putea fi unul din cei 5 bloggeri acreditaţi te invităm să participi la un concurs simplu. Scrii despre IT şi despre conferinţă şi primeşti acces la eveniment şi posibilitatea de a cîştiga 5 instruiri în valoare de sute de euro fiecare.

    Sper să-ţi prindă bine această informaţie.

    Detalii pe site-ul evenimentului la categoria Media - Bloggeri. Cine ştie google are patru ochi :)

  2. i want your help ...... i want ER Diagram of bank management system but i couldn't find the right thing so plx help me.....

    1. I am pretty sure that Lucidchart has a template of this diagram...

  3. mmm...if you hava database you can simply do this, using my article, otherwise google will help you)

  4. how fast is this? i am working on a schema with several hundred tables. is there any way to generate only part of the diagram, for instance starting from one or two tables?

  5. from documentation http://schemaspy.sourceforge.net/ to improve your performance you can play with -lq flag(low quality images increase performance), to specify specific tables i found only this -i "(.*book_table.*)|(library_table.*)"

  6. How did you create the first diagram? Is there a better database diagram creator for making database diagrams?
